Public Dreams, Private Myths
Phantoms in the Front Yard – Group Show
Promo card andIntsallation shot of Public Myths, Private Dreams.
Friday Nov 7th, 2014 – One day only.
Open during the day, with reception/party at night
At Meccanica, 104 east 1St Ave, Vancouver.
See Phantomsinthefrontyard.com for details or see Phantoms in the Front Yard on facebook.
Phantoms in the Front Yard group photo – Awesome art, attendance and party! Thanks Meccanica for the venue! Here are my image contributions for the group show:
‘Totem in the Chamber of the Gods’, oil on linen, 20×16 inches, 2014.
‘Apple’, oil on linen, 16×20 inches, 2014.
‘Modern Primitive, Modern Primitive’, a.k.a. ‘Bust of a Woman with an I-phone 4’, oil on linen, 20×16 inches, 2014.
‘Classically Sacredly Romantically Profane’ -Mixed media/found objects, 2014. ‘Psychopomp’, soapstone, 2012